Lifeline Connection Honor Roll
Lifeline Connection members support the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center's highest priorities through annual unrestricted gifts of $1,000 or more. The UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation wishes to thank these dedicated philanthropists for their generous, life-changing partnership in 2021–2022.
- Inara George & Jake Kasdan
- Mary Trichell
- Rick Bock Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
- Goldberg Charitable Trust
- Joan & G. Bradford Jones
- Meg & Lawrence Kasdan
- Isabel & Harvey Kibel
- Carol McCully
- Naderkhani Family Foundation
- Alan Berro
- Dancing Tides Foundation
- Elyse Lewin & Lester Wertheimer
- Pamela & Edwin Sauve
- Anonymous
- Barrister Executive Suites
- Jean Breedlove & David Nelson
- Deborah & Jonathan Davidson
- Rose & David Dortort Foundation
- Helgard Field
- James Freedman
- Sheila, Dave and Sherry Gold Foundation
- Bruce Herber in memory of Mirella Herber
- Jeanne & Richard Hersh
- Shiaoting Jing & Bill Lu
- Grace and David Lee Family Foundation
- Annabel & James Montgomery
- Lisa & Mark Sapiro
- Sherry & Stephen Spector
- Jeff Wax
- Laurence & Ilene Abramson Family
- Carlton Family Survivors Trust
- Joan & Ron Colton
- Rich & Kathy Goldstein
- Rabbi Rita Hertzberg in memory of Harold & Leona Hertzberg
- Joanne P. Johnson in memory of Bill & Kent Johnson
- Jonathan Kasdan
- Romi & Tom Lassally
- Wendy Munger & Leonard Gumport
- Edith & Joel Pollack in memory of Barbara Eisenberg
- Alan H. Simon
- Nancy & Eric Sussman
- Maud & Tonis Tilk
- United Commercial Travelers Benevolent Foundation
- Sandra & Jordan Walder
- Louis Wolff
- Allen Zachary
- Joan & Robert Zukin
- Anonymous
- Christiane & Michael Adams
- Justice Judith Ashman-Gerst & Robert Gerst
- Melanie & Alan Brunswick
- Janet & George Buckley
- Beth & Frank Chance
- Richard Dommer
- Carol Donald & James Murray
- Wendy & James Drasdo
- Drs. Patricia & Tomas Ganz
- Susan & Harvey Giss
- Yoshino H. Hara
- Thalia (Lolly) & Don Hochman
- Jose & Marie Maritorena
- Ann & Melvin Martin
- D. Lewis Mingori & Lynn B. Mingori
- Victoria B. Murray
- Bill Neiman
- Tricia & David R. Roberts
- Tracey Roden & Kamran Ardalan
- Harmony Rodriguez
- Susie Romano & Randy Steinberg
- Virginia & Norton Sharpe
- Christopher A. Tschoegl Memorial Fund
- Constance von Briesen & Kurt Kamm
- Anonymous
- Nancy & Joe Escobedo
- Forest Family Foundation
- Lisa & Jerry Friedman
- Paul L. Gonzales
- Ankit Gupta
- Michael C. Iracondo, III
- Kathryn & Reginald Jue
- Cynthillia Kuo
- Sara O. Lindsay
- John A. McCabe in memory of Daniel R. Gallie, Ph.D.
- Jeffrey B. Mitchell & Gina Garzzona-Mitchell
- Tom Patchett
- Tatum Robertson
- Laurel Smith
- Snow Family Foundation
- Anton Vorontsov
- Barbara Winfield Smith & Hugh Smith
- The Apatow Family
- Elizabeth & Donald Bendix
- Brennan Foundation in memory of Julie Sommers
- Judy & Douglas Christian
- Thomas Cootz & Stephanie Rose
- Michael J. Emrich & Anna-Louise Emrich
- Susan A. & Tyler T. Nakamura
- Joan & Martin Smith
- Mae and Carl S. Yosick Charitable Foundation
- Alberta Bellisario
- Dennis Bennett
- George Beyer
- Diane & Ron Bodemeijer
- Karen & Gregory Brody in memory of Barney William Brody
- California Eastern Star Foundation
- Jong Choi
- Hilary Chu
- Galya B. Claes & Daniel J. Claes
- Barbara Cowan & Gerald S. Block
- Doris & Wesley Densmore
- James Donelson
- Natalie & Rick Eid
- Jeri Fukumoto
- Brett Furrey
- Morad Gabai
- Linda & Allan Gerson
- Aditya Golatkar
- Donald Granger & Lisa McRee
- Blanca Zaks Hadar
- Kathy Keiter Hakim
- The Havel Family
- The Henry Family--Sheila, Steve and Charlie
- Charles Homer
- Nancy Israel in honor of Chrissy Lomax-Primeau
- Inge Jones
- Sandra Kaye
- Barbara Lynn Lerner & Dr. Bernard Lewinsky
- Patrice & Daniel Levin
- Muysean & Peter Madden
- Arthur & Helen Maler in memory of Stan Greitzer
- Dr. Leslie A. Momoda & Dr. James D. Barrie
- Jane F. & Marc B. Nathanson
- Melinda Nordeng
- Joanna & Richard Patton
- Thanh Phan
- June & Carl Phelps
- Sharon & Michael E. Powell
- Tobin Pugash Charitable Fund of the Marin Community Foundation
- Michael Rickey
- Margareth & Tibor Roch
- Elaine & Philip Ruben
- Jan & Bennett Salvay
- Annette & Daniel Shapiro
- Robert H. Shiell
- Karen & Bill Skinner
- Margaret Steele & Robert Rieth
- Takaye & Norito Takamoto
- Thomas C. Tustin in memory of Athanasia N. Tustin
- Gail Weingart Bunes in memory of Beatrice Weingart
- Frederick R. Weisman Philanthropic Foundation
- Vicki Wilson
We also wish to thank the Lifeline Connection members whose names do not appear on the Honor Roll because they have requested not to be publicly recognized for their giving.
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